Sunday, July 8, 2007

What is Homeopathy ?

Homeopathy is a definite system for curing ills, health disorders and chronic ailments. Here are answers to some of the oft-asked questions about Homeopathy.

1) What exactly is Homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy is a science that was discovered way back in 1790 by a German physician called Dr Samuel Hahnemann. In fact, the principles of Homeopathy were recognized much before the system was crystallized.

The word Homoeopathy is derived from two Greek words :-
HOMOIOS = Like / Similar
PATHOS = Suffering

Homoeopathy is a branch of therapeutics that treats the patient on the principle of -
�SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR� which simply means �Let likes be cured by likes�.

2) How does Homoeopathy act?

Homeopathy acts by stimulating the body�s own healing mechanism. It activates the vital energy in our body. This energy is called chi in Chinese medicine, and prana in Sanskrit.

According to the law of SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR, the symptoms of a diseased person can be cured by administration of a drug that has been proved to produce a similar set of symptoms in a healthy human being. For example, it is a well-known fact that all human beings experience irritation of eyes while cutting onions. These symptoms are very similar to the symptoms experienced during conjunctivitis.

Now, according to the Homoeopathic Law of �Like Cures Likes�, a remedy prepared from onions can definitely cure the symptoms of conjunctivitis.

3) How is Homoeopathy different from Allopathy and Ayurveda?

  • While Homeopathy believes in curing the sick on the basis of the Law of Similars, Allopathy does not follow any particular law.

  • Allopathy believes in finding out the cause of the disease, Homeopathy believes in stimulating the �vital human energy� to annihilate the disease in the body.

  • Allopathy associates diseases with particular parts of the body like tissues and organs. But, Homeopathy gives the treatment to a 'whole', not restricted to the local parts of the body. This 'constitutional treatment' adheres to treating the patient in entirety. After analyzing and evaluating a detailed history about the physical symptoms as well as the mental characteristics of a patient, the Homeopath deduces an �individuality� of the patient on the basis of which he prescribes a constitutional remedy.

  • Allopathy prescribes multiple drugs for multiple problems, but Homeopathy needs only a single remedy at a time, that too in minimum possible dosages.

  • Ayurveda believes that all diseases originate due to derailment of the three humors of human life (Tridosha) � Vaat, pitta and kaffa.

4) Is it true that Homoeopathic medicines are totally harmless and without any side effects?

Homoeopathic medicines are considered harmless and without any side effects. However, there is a word of caution. If these medicines are taken in consonance with the basic Homeopathic principle, then only will they be helpful.

5) Can Homoeopathic medicines be taken in addition to Allopathic medicines?

If a patient has resorted to Homeopathy in the middle of an Allopathic course, it is advisable not to discontinue abruptly. But otherwise, a Homeopath is likely to taper off the Allopathic medicines at the earliest.

6) Can Homoeopathic medicines be taken during pregnancy?

Definitely YES! Homeopathy acts wonderfully on pregnant women without giving any side effects. It is beneficial to the mother as well as the fetus.

7) Why does a Homeopath ask so many questions to a patient?

In order to activate the patient�s body, especially it�s inherent healing energy; the Homeopath requires a very deep understanding of the behavioral pattern of the patient�s body. Naturally, a Homeopath needs a detailed medical and psychological history of the patient.

8) What are the dos and don�ts during a Homepathic treatment?


  • Do give a detailed history to your Homeopath even though you might find certain questions very strange or embarrassing.

  • Keep a keen watch on all the changes of your body.
  • Do not take any food / drink at least 15 minutes prior and 15 minutes after taking your Homeopathic dose.

  • Do not take coffee or onions prior or after the Homeopathic dose.

  • Do not dilute the medicines with water unless specified.

  • Do not self-medicate.

9) Homoeopathy is a slow acting system of medicine. TRUE or FALSE?

Homeopathy is not at all a slow acting system of medicine. It acts wonderfully fast in all acute cases, especially when the disease is detected in the primary stages. It takes time to show results only during chronic conditions.

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